Saturday, October 9, 2010

24 hours later...

Its been 24 hours since Ive been admitted, and not much has happened. They had to do 18 hours worth of cervix-softening tablets so far just for me to get 1cm. They put another one in and they'll be checking to see at 6:30 to see where we're at. Contractions are coming and going. Since they want to monitor the baby at all times, I'm limited to this bed...and it is beyond uncomfortable. Whats most frustrating so far for me is how much pain I'm having in my hips from laying in this bed. So if you could, please pray for relief for my hips. I was in tears all morning because no matter which way I laid, I was in extreme discomfort. They let me take a shower, and that helped a lot.

So thats all for now. My mom and sister are here, and Kevin's mom and stepdad are on their way.

1 comment:

  1. I was there (was induced at 40w4d, in labor for 36 hours before they rushed me in for a c-section - if they offer one, TAKE IT!!!), and one suggestion since they wont let you up: beg them for an egg-crate to go under your sheet. They did that for me and it was the only way I was able to sleep. They also forbade me to eat, so my mom kept sneaking M&Ms to me when the nurses were gone.

    I know a lot of people may be giving you advice right now, but I do highly suggest a c-section if they give you that as an option. The recovery time may be longer, but there is no shame in going through that instead of natural birth. Also, you wont have to deal with lovely things such as tearing, bladder issues from pushing so much, episiotomy, or pain. They'll also take care of you longer, and be a lot nicer.

    Just remember: in the next few hours you'll be holding your son (if you're not done with all this already)! Congrats, and I can't wait to see pics!
