Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Medical Update and Photo Shoot

Earlier today we took Elias to our local Picture People in the mall and had his 1yr photos taken. I really wish we could do some outdoor photos, the more photojournalistic style, but our photographer we love is in Philly. So until we move back to Pennsylvania, Picture People has been doing a fantastic job of capturing some special moments. Along with some 1yr photo's, we took a few Halloween pictures of him in his cowboy outfit. Here's a few of our favorites.

I also thought I'd update on Elias' medical "stuff". We went to his hand doctor last week to talk about where things stand with his thumb. If you didn't know, Elias' left thumb has some problems with his tendons and the bottom joint if not constructed correctly. To give you a visual, if he was to hold his hand up to high five you, it looks as if he's counting and has put his thumb down first, but if looks like this all the time. They've given us brace after brace for him to wear to try and pull his thumb out more from his hand, but he takes them off within 10 minutes, so they've been pretty useless. However, this thumb problem has never stopped him from doing what he wants to do. He's learned how to use it, and surprisingly, his left had has been his dominate hand so far. I know they say you can't tell which hand will be their writing hand, but I wouldn't be surprised if its his left. And when he wants to, he can bring his thumb out much further than you think it can go. He picks up his food with it, he can fully grip a ball with point is he uses it. So Kevin and I were concerned that if  they operated he wouldn't be able to do as much as he can now with it.  The doctor assured us that it will be better than it is now, and those were the words we wanted to hear.  Our window is right now to do this surgery.  After this window, the only option we have would be to fuse the joint, and in that case he would be able to bend his thumb, so we want to avoid that as much as we can. So with all that said, Elias will have surgery once we return from Christmas vacation. Recovery will consist of a pin with a cast for 6 weeks.

In the mean time, Elias is loving his physical therapy and is really doing to well! Now that we were finally able to find shoes wide enough to fit his braces, we're focusing of getting him interested in taking some steps. He loves to cruise on furniture (and is so fast!) but we had absolutely no interest in holding you hands and taking steps. And any parent knows that if your kid isn't interested in it, its not gonna happen. It's all on his terms...for now at least :)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Mickey Mouse Party

We had such a great time visiting all our family in Pennsylvania last week. Elias was a spoiled little boy and had 2 birthday parties! It turned out to be a beautiful day, and it couldn't have happened without the help of my fabulous mother-in-law and wonderful grandmother-in-law. I'm just so blessed to be a part of their family! And I can't forget my amazing sister in law, Abby, who helped me make the Mickey cupcakes. Here's some pictures from his Mickey Mouse themed birthday party.