Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Elias has hit the ground running when it comes to baby food. I've been giving him different varieties of fruit over the past few days. His favorite so far? Pears. Peaches were okay. Bananas, he ate half of it. Apples seemed fine. But those pears, man....he just scarfs them right down! The first few days he was still getting the whole coordination thing know, realizing he has to actually open his mouth in order to get the food. He gets so mad and upset when its all gone. I totally have video of it and really want to share it on here, but for some reason its not uploading from my phone (if anyone has any clue on how to format it from an iphone to here, let me know!)

mmm pears!

Kevin went skiiing today with some buddies of his, and it was just me and the boo (thats what we call We are just so blessed. I think back to this time last year when we had just found out we were pregnant and were freaking out.

The first night we knew, I was excited. The next, I was sprawled out on the kitchen floor crying my eyes out. What were we gonna do? How were we going to afford a baby? A baby was NOT in our plans. I mean, I always said "I want a baby" (in my pathetic whiney voice) whenever we'd pass one at the store, but I didn't really mean "I want one right now"! I was convinced we had to move back to PA. I cried everytime I thought about not being near our families. I grew up seeing my grandparents practically every day. I was/am so close to them, especially my grandfather (hence why Elias is named after him). I desire SO badly for my kids to be as close to their grandparents as I am. I wanted Kevin to graduate with his masters before a baby. I wanted a house. A dog. And THEN baby could come.

But as we all know thats not how it happened. Baby came. We're still here in Boston. Our families are still in Pennsylvania. We were able to move into a 2 bedroom apartment 2 doors down just one week before Elias came. No dog. Kevin took on more responsibility at church so we could pay our bills.

But you know what? I am SO content with it all. I know for a fact this is where we're supposed to be at this time in our lives. With our health insurance here, Elias' medical bills are completely taken care of. We're able to take him to see every single doctor he needs to see, to get every procedure needed to correct his problems.

God knew all of this. He provided. And He continues to provide for us. I don't think its a secret for those who know me fairly well that I'm not of fan New England and can't wait to move back to Pennsylvania. I begged and begged Kevin last year all summer for us to move back home. So he applied to a bunch of positions back in PA. But it didn't work out. God opended doors and then he closed them. One offered him a job, a few wanted to interview. But for whatever reason, we decided none were right for us.

But praise the Lord, because by Him not giving me what I begged and pleaded for so badly every night before I went to sleep, an opportunity to move back home, our son is completely taken care of. God knew. And I am so thankful for a heavenly Father that is all-knowing and gives us what we truly need instead of what we really want.


  1. Thanks for putting that out there... I felt the same way when I found out I was preggo with Hudson... but is awesome how the Lord has just the right timing with everything!
