Saturday, January 29, 2011

Moved Surgery

I forgot to mention the other day that Elias' surgery has been moved from Monday Jan. 31 to Thursday Feb. 3. The doctor wanted Elias to be the first surgery he does that morning, and he just wasnt able to make it work for Monday. So now we will have to be there at 6am on Thursday morning for surgery at 7:30. Their reasoning for him being the first in the morning is because hes not allowed anything to drink after midnight, so this way he shouldn't go hungry since he hasnt even been waking up until 9-10am. Kevin's mom was able to switch her flights so she'll be here from Wednesday-Sunday.

 If you would, please pray that he will do fine with the anesthesia and that they'll be able to get a tube in and out easily during surgery.  The ENT said everything should be fine, but sometimes with Arthrogrypotic kids, their airways are tighter and its difficult for the tube to get in. Like I said, the ENT said he's not concerned to the point where he needs to be in the room, but he just wants to be in the hospital incase the need him to put the tube in. So we're hopeful that won't be an issue.

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