Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Oh deer...

Its been a busy couple weeks! Last week I was lucky enough to have my sister Taryn fly up and stay for almost a whole week with us! It was pretty awesome. We did some major damage at the outlets, went to the beach, Rockport, and Newburyport to name a few.

Then Taryn, Elias, and I loaded up all our stuff and headed down to West Chester last Friday. Elias and I will be in PA until Amber and Bryce's wedding July 9. Unfortunately, Kevin has to be back in MA for work and school most of the time. We're going to Kevin's family's hunting camp Thursday and Kevin will be meeting us there. We're excited to go away and be with family we haven't been able to see in awhile.

Sunday night my family was all sitting down for dinner. All of the sudden a huge thud rocked the breakfast nook we were sitting in. It sounded like someone was breaking in downstairs below. My mom and dad got up and rushed downstairs to see what it was, but not before my dad grabbed a field hockey stick just incase he needed it. (Yep. In this house, you don't grab bats or knives. You grab field hockey sticks.) They didn't see anything down there. Then Taryn looked outside and there was a huge deer standing 20 ft from the house, just staring at it. We're pretty sure that the deer jumped into the window. The windows on the back of my parents house are very reflective so that the house doesn't become a furnace in the summer with all the sun shining through. He probably saw his reflection. Pretty crazy...we're surprised he didn't break the window!

Heres a few videos and pictures from the past couple weeks.

Apparently he likes pickles. Crazy kid. 

Dana's beautiful arrangement at Ambers shower!

Hard Pink Lemonade...mmm

The beautiful bride and 2 of her bridesmaids

If you think I'm a little hat crazy, its because I am. Elias has to wear hats if its sunny outside to protect the scar on his face. So its a good excuse to buy some pretty adorable hats :)

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