Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Last Saturday night when I was getting Elias ready for bed, I could have sworn he smiled at me. Then he did it again...and once more. And thats when I knew he smiled for real. Before this, he's grinned a little here and there, but it was so random, and not really in response to anything. Of course everytime I go to grab the camera he looks at me like I'm nuts. I tried to upload the video of him smiling on here, but it must be too big...its not working. But I did snap this one today before he got his haircut (don't worry...its all still there...he just needed it trimmed around the ears).

My cuddle bear :)
We had a check-up with the ENT last week. He said his breathing has improved, most likely simply because as he's growing, his nasal passages are too, so theres more room to breathe through his nose. The orthopedist said his foot has hit a point where we're probably going to talk about getting surgery soon. Surgery will happen only once he feels the casts are no longer working. He's still getting a little bit of movement each week after each cast, so we haven't hit that point...yet. But the doctor thinks it wont be any longer than 2 months before he gets the surgery. When he does end up getting the surgery on his foot, he'll have the skin tag removed on his ear. The ENT told us though that because of the way his jaw is slightly set back, he might have some trouble with anesthesia and breathing tubes. Thats pretty scary. But the doctor said the fact that he just wants to be available in the hospital during the surgery as opposed to wanting to be in the room says that he isn't THAT worried. He just wants to be available just in case. So that makes us feel a little better. Its still scary though...

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