After 8 weeks of casting for Elias' left foot, it was finally time for the cast to come off in mid-March! Believe it or not, he actually did NOT want the cast to come off! He got so used to it by then that it didn't seem to bother him anymore. Of course the absolute worst part for him is when they saw the cast off, but once they did that and he saw his new soccer ball brace, he started to warm up to the idea. Turns out the brace wasn't exactly what he needed (but good enough to wear in the meantime) so they ordered a new one that we'll go back for this Monday to pick up. The one he has now in the meantime allows his foot to dorsiflex, which is the opposite of what we're trying to get his foot to do. He has great dorsiflexion, but not so great plantarflexion, so they new one we'll be picked up won't allow his foot to dorsiflex as much. But look how cool his new soccer ball brace is!

Another month has flown by already! At the end of February, Gavin turned 8 months! Things that happened during his 8th month...
- Tried and LOVED many different types of solid foods, including roast beef, bread, cereal puffs, goldfish, and pasta, just to name a few.
- Got his 2nd ear infection in two months (if he gets one more in the next 4 months he'll probably need tubes to be put in his ears).
- Moved completely into 6-12month clothing.
- Rolling everywhere and starting to push up onto his hands and knees.
- Started doing a little commando crawling but decided rolling was more fun.
- Two teeth finally came in (within 48 hours of each other) on the bottom gum!
See those two tiny white slivers on the bottom?! First two teeth three weeks ago! |
Kisses for Mickey |
We spent Easter at Grandma and Pap-Pap Harner's house.
Elias' Easter outfit. |
"Sharing" Nanny's plate = Nanny only getting 5 bites, Gavin getting the rest! |
Happy boy. |
Cousins! |
Our sweet little niece, Saffron |
Love her crooked smile here! |
Saffron showing off her spoon |
Take one of Zion and Elias... |
A little comfort from Pappy |
Take two...much better. |
Playing with some of daddy's old toys |
Blue Steel |
Some lovin' from Daddy |
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