I'm so behind of these updates!
Gavin turned 9 months three weeks ago, and the word I'd use to describe him this month is BUSY! All he does is go, go, go! Elias was the same way. I remember on multiple occasions with Elias saying to him "could you just sit down, or still, for 2 minutes?! Even 30 seconds so I can put your socks on?!" But all that busyness makes one sleepy little boy at bedtime. He's now sleeping straight through from 9pm-8:30am.
Things he's doing during his 9th month so far...
Gavin turned 9 months three weeks ago, and the word I'd use to describe him this month is BUSY! All he does is go, go, go! Elias was the same way. I remember on multiple occasions with Elias saying to him "could you just sit down, or still, for 2 minutes?! Even 30 seconds so I can put your socks on?!" But all that busyness makes one sleepy little boy at bedtime. He's now sleeping straight through from 9pm-8:30am.
Things he's doing during his 9th month so far...
- Babbling a lot more, lots of da-da's, but no mama's yet!
- Able to completely get up into sitting position from starting out on his back.
- Getting up on all fours, and crawling backwards a little, but not forwards yet.
- Started the past few days pushing up into a bear crawl (no knees down, just his hands and feet)
- Started receiving more physical therapy during the week (even though there aren't any concerns about crawling or walking yet, the doctor wants us to stay ahead of the game since big brother was a late walker).
- Just last night pulled up to stand on the side of the tub.
- Wanting to eat everything we eat. Last night we had steak. And so did Gavin! This kid LOVES food.
For the past month or so, he's been on the verge of crawling. I feel like I was saying "oh he's so close, he'll be crawling this time next week", but then a week went by...then another. And while he was getting up on all fours, rocking back and forth, and even going backwards a bit, he just wouldn't move his knees! He would reach forward but his knees wouldn't follow, and he'd just fall on his belly.
BUT that was all until this morning when he suddenly decided it was time to crawl!
And just within a few hours he's so much more confident and already zipping around!
Elias turned 2 1/2 a few days ago! I feel like we just had his second birthday a few weeks ago! Its amazing how fast things goes with two kids now!
At Elias' 2 1/2 yr check up yesterday he was:
- 29.5 lbs (47th %)
- 37 inches (64th%)
- 20in head circumference (90th%)
I'm not too sure about his height. To me and everyone else, he seems on a small side for his age. He just now is moving into 2T pants. 2T shorts are too long/loose, and some of his shirts at 2T, but most are still kinda baggy, so he's still mainly in 18-24mo shirts. And besides, its not a very scientific way that they measure...they just lay him on the table, mark where the top of his head is, and the bottom of his feet, and then measure to those two lines. They don't straighten him out much or maybe sure their marks are straight. So I think that at this age, even a 1/2 inch off can throw the % scale way off. But regardless, the doctor said he's looking great!
Some things he's been up to and accomplishing at 2 1/2
- Forming 4-5 word sentences. Just a few examples of his little phrases. My interpretation is bolded
- Go outside play slide (Go outside and play on the slide)
- Chicken nuggets french fries ketchup (I want some chicken nuggets french fries and ketchup)
- Go car go play Zion (Go in the car and go play with Zion
- Go outside water can flowers (Go outside and water the flowers with the watering can)
- Mommy you come downstairs (Mommy can you come downstairs)
- Take your socks off (Take my socks off )
- Slowly starting to try new foods (finally!)
- Jumping and getting both feet of the ground (this was hard for him, because of wearing his brace and the weakness in his left ankle)
- Showing signs that he's going to be left handed. I know they say this doesn't usually emerge until 3, but he does just about everything with his left hand. The interesting thing is, his left hand is the one with the corrected thumb that's still a little tight. Also, it would make sense if he wanted to be left handed, because with his torticolis, he naturally wants to turn and look to the left, so favoring his left side seems like it would be more comfortable for him.
- Counts to 12, points out shapes, letters, and numbers whenever he sees them.
- Enjoys watering Mommy's flowers with his little watering can.
- Prefers multiples of his toys, and will line them up and count them. If one is missing, he WILL know and won't let you forget about it until it is found! For example, last week he was missing the stacking up that says #3, and he kept saying "number three cup" over and over until we found it.
- More shy of strangers lately.
- Throwing more temper tantrums when he doesn't get exactly what he wants, exactly when he wants it. I'm blaming it on the "terrible two's". Even though his tantrums seem to be kicking up a notch, he still gets over things very quick and is easily redirected.
We went on Monday to Shriner's in Philly to pick up Elias' new brace. The new brace looks basically just like his old one, except there aren't any hinges by the ankle that allow the his foot to flex upward very much anymore. The doctor seems to think that after 2 more months he'll be ready to go into the orthotic that will fit in the bottom of his shoe.
The pictures below show the faces we've been seeing more and more from Elias over the past few weeks.
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Asking to play with Gavin's monthly stickers. |
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Please Mom? Stickers Please? Please Mom? |
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