Monday, January 30, 2012

Good news...and not-so-good-news...

We had our big ultrasound this morning! I was SO anxious about it that I was sick to my stomach. I just wanted to know already what the baby was! Thankfully a sweet friend was able to watch Elias so Kevin and I could relax and enjoy the ultrasound as much as possible.

After what seemed like an eternity in the waiting room, she finally called us back. Just like with Elias, as soon as she put the probe on my stomach I could see what the baby was....probably because I've been studying pictures online for the past 3 weeks so I knew what to look for...

ITS A BOY!!!!!!
Another boy for the Lances! While a girl would have been a nice change of pace, I'm very excited that its a boy! I already have everything we need. I think Elias is going to love his little brother and they're going to be really great buddies.

Thats the good news.

Then theres the not-so-good-news.

Once the tech was done the ultrasound, the doctor came in and said she wanted to take a look for herself. I knew right off the bat she must be worried about something. She started with the feet, where it looks like the left foot is definitely clubbed. Then she went to the hands. The baby had his right hand in a cupped position the whole time and wouldn't extend his fingers, and on his left hand 2 out of 5 fingers weren't extending. Basically, as far as we can see at the moment, it looks like this baby has the same problems Elias had. His foot doesn't look as severe as Elias' was, however it isn't a mild case either.

So. Here we are. Again. I never thought we'd have to go through this again. The doctor that diagnosed Elias' arthrogryposis said in his experience (which is extensive) he's never seen it in siblings. I don't think he's saying it never happens, but that its so rare that he's just never come across it. Interesting, huh?

The doctor was so sweet and gentle, and I could tell as she was explaining what she thought was wrong that she was choosing her words carefully. I told her she doesn't need to hold back, just to tell us what she thinks. We've already been around the block...we can take it. The good thing (if you can call it that...) is that if this is the same thing Elias has, there's hope. It can be corrected. It might have taken a couple extra months, but Elias is now walking all over the place and can do everything he sets his mind on doing. As long as this doesn't effect his central nervous system, we're hopeful it can be corrected.

Everything else as far as his heart, brain, spine, etc. are developing great, so that's some good news. We're scheduled to go downtown on Monday for a 3D ultrasound to get a better look at his little hands. I'm excited for that because we will get to see a better image of his little face!! We'll be having monthly ultrasounds from now on to keep an eye on things as he grows.

Here's some pictures of his sweet little profile.

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