Thursday, August 25, 2011

10 Month Stats

Thought I'd give a little update on what Elias has been up to lately. I don't think I shared his 10 month stats, so here they are.
  • 21 lbs
  • 28 inches long
  • Crawling
  • Pulling up on anything and everything!
  • Starting to take one or two steps forward when holding his hands. He doesn't quite get it yet, but that's okay.
  • Eating more and more "big people" food. I can now hand him a chicken nugget and he'll take bites all by himself without stuffing it down his throat and chocking. 
  • He's mimicking motions and gestures more and more, and he's SO verbal, babbling non stop.
  • Starting the transfer from formula to milk as he's liking the sippy cup more and more, and he got his first taste of milk this weekend and drank my whole glass in 5 minutes. Like mother like son :)
  • He loves his blanket more than anything. Get that thing in his field of vision and he lights up like a Christmas tree. 
  • Saying Mama, Dada, and Baba.

Check out what he did last week. 

And here's some photos from the past week or so.


Check out how far he's come. Look at what his ear used to look like and look at it now!

And look at his foot. Now we can wear a real shoe when he gets a break from his braces!