Friday, July 8, 2011

Forward Motion

Whelp, its been a busy week for Elias, developmentally speaking. Just last week he finally learned how to push up into a sit, and then yesterday he army crawled forward! One of the best things about it was that Kevin was here to see it. I jokingly told Kevin that if he tried to crawl when he was gone that I'd push him over :) Just kidding...kinda...but Kevin got to see it!!!

The video below is of the second time he did it. The first time I wasn't prepared and didn't have the camera. So he just moves forward a little bit in the video, but after having all day to practice, now he moves forward much more. I guess we better break out the baby gates when we get home to Boston!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh!!! How proud are you!!!!!!! Look at him go!!
