Saturday, March 12, 2011

5 Months Old

Elias turned 5 months yesterday, can you believe it?! I made this adorable video of all that he's been up to this last month, but my computer decided to convienently exit the program as soon as I was ready to save. GRRR!

Like my new haircut?!

Its been a really great month for Elias. He has grown and changed in more than a few ways! He LOVES baby food now. Infact, he loves it so much he's eating 2 containers at a time. What a chunker! Slowly but surely we're getting him to like veggies. I wasn't going to give him juice until 6 months, but I decided to try it yesterday. Annnd hopefully I don't regret this, but he LOVES apple juice.

8/9:00 Bottle
10:30 Nap
12:00 Cereal and Fruit, Bottle
2:00 Nap
3:00 Bottle/Juice
6:00 Veggies and Bottle
9:30 Bottle
10:00 Bed

I'm slowly trying to push bedtime up earlier and earlier. Hopefully in the next month he'll be going to bed at 9:00, and eventually I want bedtime to be 8:00.

He has completely transitioned into his crib (finally!). We had placed the bassinet into the crib for a few weeks because it vibrates and whenever we'd put him to bed before, we'd put the vibration on. Then my inlaws came, and we had to bring him back into our room. So after he was back in our room for a few days, I decided you know what, its now or never. So out went the bassinet, and in went the baby into the crib without any vibration or anything. And I don't know why I hadn't done that to begin with! He sleeps so soundly in his crib. He loves his little farm animal mobile, and will talk and talk and talk to his stuffed animals. So now, he's sleeping from 10-8/9am. AMAZING. I know I'm very fortunate and I count my blessings every night.

He loves to hear his voice. Its probably the cutest thing so far that he does. He'll lay in his crib for as long as we leave him there and just talks and talks and talks to his mobile and stuffed animals.

Oh, and how could I forget! Today Elias got his cast off his left foot for good! *cue choir of angels* He now has a snazzy blue brace that he'll be wearing all the time, but this is SO much better than the cast. I will post a picture soon his new kicks :) We also met with the ENT and decided his ear tag will definitely be removed when his pins come out. As of right now, the date for surgery is March 31 as long as the doctors can coordinate.

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