Thursday, December 23, 2010


So we're now in Pennsylvania (have been since Satuday) and are enjoying lots of time with family and friends. This past weekend however, Elias' cast on his clubbed foot started slidding down. NOT good. So we took it off on Monday, were advised by our doctor to go to CHOP to get a new one, and everything would be hunky-dory, Well...our insurance told us they wont cover anything out of state unless its done in the emergency room. Getting a new cast is not done in the emergency room, even though it is absolutely needed. So then we called our doctor back, and he told us to go to Shriners Hospital in Philly, because they will cover the cost if insurance doesnt. So I went there Tuesday, but they said they couldnt see him that day and that we'd have to come back Thursday morning, which is great. The sucky thing is that every passing moment that his cast is off, we're loosing progress. Because his foot is more rigid, its automatically wanting to turn back inward. Not so great. I'm hoping we didn't loose much of what we gained over the past 2 months. But the way his foot now has to be casted, his leg isnt as bent, and he's doing a pretty good job of wiggling and inching it down.

BUT he is growing leaps and bounds these past few weeks! He's starting to coo and babble, and hes batting at the toys that hang above him on his little jungle gym. His head control is awesome and he loves head banging daddy. I wouldnt say he has absolute full control yet, but in just a couple more weeks he'll be there.

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