Last night as I was just about to fall asleep, I felt this constant pop-pop-pop in my belly...the baby had hiccups! It was super cute. I love feeling him move. I read the other day that the baby can now recognize familiar songs, and that it can be soothing once they're born to hear them. I told Kevin he should start singing to the baby every night. And, the wonderful daddy he already is, he has :)
Every time I pass baby halloween costumes, I have to stop and look. I've found a couple that are just so stinkin' cute, but they're all so big and bulky...he's only gonna be a few weeks old by then. But...while surfing around I found these ADORABLE little costumes. I can't bring myself to pay that much for just one day of use...maybe they'll go on sale sometime before now and then.
I especially like the cow :)
Kevin made chicken pot pie tonight and mmm it was de-lish! I am SOOO glad I have a husband that loves to cook. Our eating habits have been WAY out of whack over the past few months. They're mostly dictated by my cravings, which is usually not a good thing. We decided we need to plan and chart our meals weekly, so that a) it will make grocery shopping easier and b) it will help us eat healthier and not spend so much money out. Hopefully we stick to it...
They usually do go on sale right before Halloween. The problem then becomes that sometimes they don't have the one you want.