Elias' face at 33 weeks |
As we are a couple hundred miles away from most of our family and friends, I figured this might be an easy way to keep everyone updated with whats going on with our little family.
So here's the latest on our little bun in the oven:
Elias seems to be growing at a great rate! At 33 weeks, he was estimated to be 4lbs4oz. He's been in the 30-40th percentile the whole pregnancy, but I know those estimates are usually off, whether be a few ounces or a whole pound. As far as his feet go, the left is still very severely clubbed, and the right is clubbed (but not as bad as the left). We've done lots of research and spoken with numerous doctors, and are very confident they'll be completely corrected in just a matter of months. The past few appointments we've had, the doctors have been keeping an eye on his right hand/arm. In every ultrasound, he's had his hand up by his face, bent at the wrist at a 90 degree angle. The first time they noticed this, they thought perhaps it was just a position he favored. However, 4 ultrasounds later, his hand is still in the exact same position, and they're now saying his right hand could very well be clubbed as well. Annnnd the last two appointments, they noticed he was keeping his left hand in a very tight fist. He extended his fingers, which was what they wanted to see, but it went right back into a first with his thumb tucked in.
The doctors don't really have an answer as to whats causing all these problems that he seems to have with every limb. We met with a genetic counselor to discuss some family history. They seemed to think there might be an orthopedic problem thats being passed down through the family. I had hip dysplasia, my grandfather was born with severely clubbed feet, and a couple of cousins on his side had clubbed feet as well. The one had a hand deformity as well. The doctor we met with on Friday said that typically, if there are other things accompanying clubfeet, theres something causing it, possibly a disease or syndrome. The doctors will test his cord blood at birth to try and see if they can figure out whats going on.
I'm so thankful for a husband that keeps me grounded. I've had so many moments of weakness where I can't help but question God. Why us? Why Elias? Why is every other baby I see perfectly healthy? He reminds me how much worse it could be. As far as ultrasounds can tell, everything else with the baby look great (he's growing at a normal rate, the amniotic fluid looks good, his heart looks fine..) He reminds me how we just need to trust. Trust that God formed baby Elias exactly the way he's supposed to be. Trust that nothing is for certain yet...so many times doctors are wrong when it comes to diagnosing baby's in utero.
We will be moving two doors down in a few weeks to a 2-bedroom apartment. We desperately need the space. The most exciting thing for me about the move will be being able to decorate the nursery. I think it will help me feel so much more ready for him once I have his space all organized and decorated.
Now its just a waiting game! We're at 34 weeks...6 more weeks to go (or maybe even less!).