Friday, August 31, 2012

Gavin's 2 Month Stats

These past two months have just flown right past us! I remember with Elias, it felt like FOREVER until he smiled around 8 or 9 weeks. Probably because all I did all day/everyday was sit over him and make the most ridiculous faces until my cheeks hurt. I obviously don't have that kind of time on my hands anything with a slightly handicapped toddler (because of the casts). With Gavin, everything just seems to be happening so fast! He first smiled about 2 weeks ago, but it wasn't consistent and sometimes not even in response to anything. Just in the past week he's started smiling back at us when we smile and talk to him, and oh it just melts our hearts!

At 2 months, Gavin is:
  • 10lbs 14 oz
  • 22 1/4 in.
  • Sleeping through the night! Usually from 11pm-6am.
  • Drinking 5 oz every 4 hours or so.
  • Fitting nicely into 0-3mo clothing.
  • Starting to watch his brother.
  • Loves snuggling with blankets, especially when they're up against his face.
  • Somehow managing to wiggle out of his Ponsetti boots no matter how tight we buckle them.
  • Hating tummy time
  • Loosing the "old-man" face
  • Chunkin' up in his face and belly!

My old man wrinkly forehead is gone!

Brotherly love

On another note, we've had a very difficult week saying goodbye to our church family. We went out for dinner with the youth group Wednesday night and then Kevin had to say his goodbyes. I'm sure he would agree that that moment was hands down one of the hardest things he's had to do in his life thus far. We will miss everyone so much at First Church Boxford. Thank you for all your love, support, and prayers over the past 3 years! We love you all!

Kevin had a phone interview for a church in New Jersey this morning that went well. He has 3 more interviews in the next 2 weeks, so hopefully something pans out for us soon. 

We're all scheduled to move  back to PA September 15th. Kevin's dad is coming up to drive the moving truck back down to Harrisburg, where we'll be moving in with Kevin's mom and stepdad until he gets a job. Next week the madness will ensue as we begin packing up the house.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Cute kids and hilarious husband

In my last post I mentioned I had a few photos I wanted to share but didn't have the right computer to upload them. Well, I've finally got the laptop back, so here's the latest!

Elias' foot before surgery

Big 'ol cast

No more casts for Gavin...on to the boots!

Fun with his playmat

Callie seems to like it more than Gavin!

Val and Dana came to visit us!

Has it really been 3 years already?!

Sweet baby Gavin

Daddy's the favorite around here these days!

He loves being snuggled in towels and blankets

Happy boy!

We're so blessed!

And now...some videos!

This is a super sweet video of Gavin and Callie...until the last 2 seconds...(don't worry, no one got hurt)

Learning manners early! Big boys eat with forks in our house :)

Gavin just hanging out on his playmat

There is NO stopping this boy! Not even a huge annoying cast!

Pretty much the funniest video ever...Kevin sleep talking.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Job search and Elias' surgery

Life has been pretty crazy in the Lance home the past few weeks!

Kevin didn't get the job he was candidating for in New Jersey. He's applied to a bunch of different churches over the past month, and now we're anxiously waiting for some calls. A few have already called and expressed interest in setting up interviews, so that's a step in the right direction. We decided we will stay in Massachusetts until Elias' cast is removed, which should be September 11th, so our move-out date is set for September 15th. If no job is offered by then, we will be moving in with Kevin's parents until Kevin can find something. Please lift us up in prayer regarding all this!

Elias' surgery 2 weeks ago on his foot went very well. The first 2 days were absolutely terrible. I have never seen him so miserable in his short little life. He literally sat on the couch for 2 days and cried what felt like all day long. But he realized if he wants to play with his toys, he's gotta get off the couch and go get them! So he mainly scoots around the floor, but just as of the past day or so he's really wanting to walk on his cast, and somehow manages to do it! The cast is bent at the knee to prevent it from slipping down, so it's at a really awkward angle for him to walk on, but this kid will do anything he sets his mind on! Not being as mobile these last few weeks has made him have to be more verbal to get what he wants, and now he is basically repeating anything we ask him to repeat! It's so much fun :) Our favorite thing to hear him say is our bedtime routine, where we say and he repeats, " goodnight, love you, see you tomorrow". He says "nigh-night, wuv you, see you". Melts our hearts every single time. 

Gavin is doing great! He is ALL DONE with casts for his feet!  After just 4 sets of casts his feet were corrected, praise the Lord! Now he has to wear the boots with the bar between them to keep them the say they are for 3 months all day/everyday, and then he'll only ha ve to wear them at night. We had
one hand caster 2 weeks ago, but the second cast slipped off and we haven't been able to get an appointment for a new one. I should mention that the doctor thinks the tendons in both his thumbs 
and middle fingers are short, causing them to be really tight and not able to stretch open like the others. Our hope with casting them is that it'll stretch them out to see how far they can go before we 
look at surgical options.  

The past 3/4 nights Gavin has slept for at least 6 hours. He's over 10 lbs now and drinks about 5oz at each feeding. He's chunking up! He's started smiling in just these past couple days, and just today started cooing pretty often. I can't believe he's already 7 weeks!

I have some really awesome pictures I've taken over the past few weeks but Kevin has the computer with him on his retreat this weekend, so the next post will be picture overload :)